Alec Love

Composer, Producer

Welcome to my website!

I'm a composer and producer of music for film, video games, and other media. I'm passionate about creating music that tells a story and brings a project to life. I'm always looking for new opportunities to collaborate and create something special.


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Listen to some favorites from my portfolio.



from the short film Reverie by Alex Adam

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Spring (excerpt)

from a rescore of the short film by Blender Animation Studios

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Ending the Cycle

from The Hunter Original Soundtrack

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I'd love to meet you! Get in touch here:


Explore all of my work in film, video games, and more.


Recent Activity



The Hunter Poster
The Hunter

Soundtrack Composer

The Silhouette Poster
The Silhouette

Soundtrack Composer


Trailer Rescore

Connect with me on social media or stream my music through these platforms.